QuadX 3000 Operating Instructions
QUADX 3000
User Guide
QUADX 3000 INSTRUCTIONS BWL- 0335 1-03-02
( )
+44 0 1255 422807
( )
+44 0 1255 436342
If the unit appears to have developed a fault, first establish that it is a genuine internal fault
and not a case of normal operation such as overheat. Carry out the following checks to
eliminate any external causes. If no obvious problem can be found and replacement of the
modelling lamp, flash tube or fuse does not effect a cure then it is likely that an internal fault
has developed. Always return the unit to an authorised service centre if a fault is suspected
REPAIR yourself.
QuadX 3000 Control Guide
QuadX 3000 Function Overview
Getting Started
Flash/Misfire Warning
Following a flash, the unit will temporarily display READY on the red numeric displays for 5
seconds. This serves as a convenient method of showing correct pack operation when two
or more packs are running flashing together. If the unit receives a trigger signal from any of
the valid sources (TEST, IR REMOTE, IR TRIGGER, SYNC) but fails to flash for any reason
Menu System Overview
The Information Menu
The Main Selection Menu
Advanced Options Menu
then the red numeric will display “headfail”. Press
to clear the message. Increase the
power setting to maximum and use the TEST button to try and flash again. If the problem
continues to happen on more than the odd occasion, particularly at lower power settings,
then it is likely that the flash head tube is wearing out. Before replacing the tube, check that
the trigger wire is correctly connected and is not shorted to or in close proximity to the metal
reflector. If the unit fails to flash at all then check the flash tube for signs of damage or
If the unit fails to flash and the display warning is not given then the Sync. lead and/or
camera should be suspected. If possible check these with another flash system. Check the
polarity of the Sync. from the camera and use an adapter to reverse it if necessary. The
QuadX 3000 supplies a SYNC. voltage of +5V with respect to the chassis Ground.
The unit is fitted with overheat protection that inhibits charging until the unit has cooled
sufficiently. The display flashes the READY LED and displays a warning message on the
LCD while the overheat condition exists. Overheat will normally only occur if the unit is
flashed repeatedly at a fast repetition rate. Slowing down the repetition rate will normally
help keep the unit out of overheat. Dimming the modelling lamp or turning it off may also
NOTE: The controls are inhibited during overheat to prevent inadvertent changes being
made. The overheat condition remains until the pack reaches a target lower temperature or
is turned off and then on after the pack has cooled by a few degrees.
The Control Panel Does Not Light
If the control panel does not light when the unit is switched on then first check that the AC
power supply to the unit is OK and that the thermal resets buttons on the rear are set.
Under exceptional conditions of use the internal fuse may blow. This is normal and is
designed to protect the unit. Report the problem to your local service agent. Do not attempt
to locate and replace the internal fuse.
The Control Panel Lights but Does Not come To ‘READY’
If this happens then first confirm that the AC power supply is adequate and within the
prescribed limits. Try switching the unit off, wait a minute, and then switch on again.
QuadX 3000 Control Guide
This page is intentionally blank
Fig 1
Sync Sockets
Sockets On/Off
Power Level Displays
Ready LED
Channel A Adjust
Channel B Adjust
Photo Cell /
Channel A and
Channel B Adjust
IR Remote
LCD Menu &
Modelling Lamps
Serial Comms
Menu Navigation
Head Sockets
Carry Handle
Fig 2
Mains Inlet
100-240VAC 50/60Hz
Advanced Options Menu
QuadX 3000 Control Guide
The QuadX displays information about the power available at each socket by means of 4
RED numeric displays. In addition, this information is converted to Ws data and shown on
the LCD.
Advanced Options
Setup Flash Mode
Multi Trigger
The multi trigger mode allows the pack to fire a multiple number of times following a single
trigger signal. The number of times the pack will fire can be set in the range 2 – 50. In
addition, the time between firing may also be set between 0.1 and 9.9 seconds.
Each red numeric display is aligned with an associated outlet socket. Most of the QuadX
controls are aligned with the associated socket.
Looking at the sloping control panel area, from the handle there are 4 On/Off toggle
switches. These switch the sockets On or Off if a socket is fitted.
Note that the user must ensure that the pack will recharge within the time specified as
otherwise it will not be READY and hence will not fire as expected.
The red numeric display will show - - when Off and will be blank if there is no socket fitted.
Selection and adjustment is performed using the
changes to * when an item is ready to change.
to scroll,
to select. The > character
Advanced Options
Reset Job Counter
The QuadX pack has two flash counters. The total flash counter, which can not be modified
by the user and the job counter. Both counters increment on every attempted flash.
Channel A
Channel B
The job counter may be used to record the number of flashes over a particular period by
resetting it’s value to zero before a session and then reading the value after the session.
To view the Job Counter select :
Press Down to Reset
A/ B Adjust
Advanced Options
Reset Job Counter
Job Counter 000006
Pack Total
To reset the job counter press
Beneath the red displays are two pairs of adjustment buttons. These control the power
available from the channel socket pairs A1/A2 and B1/B2.
To the left, there are three toggle controls to switch the photocell, I.R remote and modelling
On or Off.
To the right, there are two adjustment buttons to simultaneously raise or lower the power
from channels A & B, keeping them in ratio. Beneath these buttons is the Open Flash test
Beneath the LCD are 4 menu navigation buttons.
HINT : Remember QuadX always displays the relative power for each socket,
automatically adjusting the levels as sockets are turned On or Off.
QuadX 3000 function overview
Advanced Options Menu
Your QuadX 3000 is a versatile and powerful photographic generator.
Advanced Options
Charge Control
Flash Power
To adjust the charge control :-
Advanced Options
Charge Control. Use
Setup Flash Mode
to toggle Auto/Slow charge.
The pack has 4 head sockets which can deliver a total power of 3000W/S in various
ways. At all times, the pack will indicate the available power at any socket. This is
scaled such that 3000W/S represents 10 on the display. Lower power levels are
proportional and adjustable in steps of 0.1 stops.
Advanced Options
This mode contains three advanced features :-
e.g. A value of 9.0 represents half the pack, 1500W/S.
Trigger Delay, Trigger Skip and Multi-Trigger. These features may be operated standalone
or in conjunction with one another.
The pack is divided into two channels A & B. These channels are further split across two
sockets each A1/A2 & B1/B2. The energy available from each socket is displayed.
Switching Off a socket, will cause the unit to dump the energy in order to maintain the
remaining channel/socket. There is no need to manually accommodate these changes.
Selection begins : Advanced Options
Use to scroll, to select.
Setup Flash Mode
> Trigger Delay:OFF
Trigger Skip :OFF
With channel A in use only, the full pack power is available to share between sockets A1
and A2. Therefore a single head in A1 can discharge the full 3000W/S.
HINT : Whenever a flash mode is enabled, the default menu will show Progmd on the
default menu in order to show a mode is in place. All modes are switched OFF after
powering off the unit.
With a head switched on in either of the channel B sockets B1/B2, the pack automatically
becomes asymmetric. In this mode, a maximum of 2000W/S is available across channel A
and maximum of 1000W/S across channel B.
Advanced Options
Setup Flash Mode
Trigger Delay:
The Trigger delay function allows a timed delay between triggering the pack and the pack
discharging. The feature maybe toggled ON or OFF and the delay period may be varied
from 0 to 9.9 seconds in steps of 0.1S. Selection and adjustment is performed using the
As you become familiar with operating the pack, you will notice short delays in the unit
returning to ready during power adjustments. This is because the unit always adjusts the
power level to match the displayed value for each socket. Turning a socket off for example,
requires the energy to be dumped, hence the delay. A further reason is that for any given
power level, the unit will automatically optimise the internal capacitor usage to minimise the
flash duration.
to scroll,
to select. The > character changes to * when an item is ready to change.
Advanced Options
Setup Flash Mode Trigger Skip
The Trigger Skip function is solely for use with 2 or more packs and is designed to allow the
photographer to trigger packs alternately and therefore more rapidly. To do this, the pack
must first be assigned a pack ID number, which must be less than or equal to the number of
packs in use. Next, the number of packs must be set to equal the number of packs to be
used. Each pack must be connected to the same trigger source. As a trigger signal occurs,
the pack will begin counting the number of triggers. If this is equal to the pack ID, then the
pack will trigger.
Modelling Power
Modelling On/Off is controlled by a single button. Modelling control to each head can be set
to ON/OFF or INTERMITTENT. (Intermittent extinguishes the lamps when the unit is not
There are 3 modelling modes namely, FULL, PROPORTIONAL and AUTOMATIC 100%.
The FULL and AUTOMATIC 100% modes also provide a bias control allowing all
lamps to be controlled in ratio.
e.g. Consider 3 packs set up with Pack ID 1, Pack ID 2 and Pack ID 3.
Having switched on the Trigger Skip function, the first trigger will cause Pack 1 to fire, the
second trigger will cause Pack 2 to fire, the third trigger will cause pack 3 to fire. The fourth
trigger will cause Pack 1 to fire and so on..
Main Selection Controls
The commonly required adjustments are grouped under the main selection menu. This
allows control over the following :-
IR Channel
Advanced Options Menu
QuadX 3000 function overview
Advanced Options
Advanced Options
There are a number of advanced features available on the QuadX. These are accessed by
selecting Advanced Options from the main selection menu.
This option allows the brightness of the RED numeric displays to be altered.
Advanced Options
Brightness. Use
to adjust the brightness level 1 - 9
The following is a brief list of features available, which are described in more detail in
Section 6.0.
Advanced Options
Time Out Setting
This option allows the unit to automatically revert to the default menu after a preset number
of seconds. Additionally, if the value is set to 0, the unit will never time back to the default
Speaker Setup
Alternate Unit
- Control Ready, Error and keypad tones
- Choose to display Power in Joules or as a percentage.
- Control the display brightness
menu and will rely on the user pressing the
key to go back.
Advanced Options Time Out Setting. Use
to adjust the value 0, 3 – 30 seconds.
Values 1 & 2 are deliberately unavailable.
HINT : Holding down the will auto increment the values.
Advanced Options Save/Recall Setup
Time Out Settings - Control the time between Auto returning to default menu
- Store and Retrieve pack settings
Charge control
- Switch between Auto and Slow charge rates
This option allows the unit settings to be saved to the memory or loaded back from the
memory. Additionally, the factory default settings may be loaded.
Setup Flash Mode - Set Trigger Delays, Skip Triggers and Multiple Triggers
Reset Job Counter - Clear the job count
To Save(Store) the current pack settings :-
Triggering System
Advanced Options
Save/Recall Setup. Use
to select “Save to Memory”.
The unit maybe triggered from the following sources
Press to SAVE the pack settings and return to the Advanced Options Menu
A sync plug in either of ¼" jack-type socket sockets will trigger the pack if the
READY LED is lit. The sync supply is nominally +5V for low voltage camera
operation. These sockets may also be used with Radio and IR triggers to provide
a synchronous trigger.
To Load(Recall) the pack settings from memory :-
Advanced Options Save/Recall Setup. Use
Press to LOAD the pack settings and return to the Advanced Options Menu
to select “Load from Memory”.
Test/Open Flash button. The unit will only flash if the unit is charged and the
‘READY’ LED is either lit or flashing.
Remote Photo Cell. When switched On, the unit will trigger in response to an
external flash of light, if the READY LED is lit. Ensure the sloping panel is
exposed clearly to the triggering light source.
To Restore the pack factory settings :-
Advanced Options Save/Recall Setup. Use
Press to RESTORE the pack default settings and return to the Advanced Options Menu
IR Remote Control Test. With the IR receiver switch, the unit can be triggered by
the open flash test button on the IR handset.
to select “Restore Defaults”.
Adjust the FLASH & MODELLING controls to provide the desired settings and select any
options required. Refer to the section on operation of the controls if required. Test flash the
unit by pressing the TEST button.
Advanced Options
Charge Control
Excess energy is automatically dumped when the flash power setting is reduced. Both
increasing and decreasing the power setting generates heat inside the unit. Therefore
avoid repetitive Up and Down power changes.
This option allows the unit to either charge automatically achieving the fastest possible
charge rate OR allows the selection of a SLOW charge rate.
In using the pack, the user must consider the electrical load placed upon the mains supply.
As a worst case, with 4 heads plugged in using 650W of modelling each, the mains supply
could be overloaded with continual fast charge cycling. In such cases, switch to SLOW
charge or use the lamps in intermittent mode, so that the loading is reduced during charge
Refer to page 12 if you intend to make continuous use of the fast recycling feature of the
NOTE: If the unit is left unused for 6 months or predominantly used at low power settings it
is recommended that the power be increased to maximum and the unit left switched on
occasionally for at least 30 minutes to help preserve the life of the capacitors.
Getting Started
Advanced Options Menu
The Advanced Options Menu offers the ability to control and adjust the following functions.
Remove packaging and ensure the unit is switched Off. Setup a flash head, ensuring
the protective cap is removed and the modelling lamp is switched on.
1. Speaker Setup
2. Alternate Units
3. Brightness
Reset Job Counter
> Speaker Setup
Alternate Units
Plug the head into socket A1.
Note : Locate the tapered part of the socket first, then press down on the cable end
to ensure the socket ‘clicks’ into place properly – See diagram below :-
4. Time Out Setting
5. Save/Recall Setup
6. Charge Control
7. Setup Flash Mode
8. Reset Job Counter
Menu Navigation within the advanced menu is consistent with other menus.
Use the
keys to navigate to the options of choice. Use
to modify the parameters.
to select the option.
Advanced Options
Speaker Setup
This option allows the tone and duration to be adjusted for the Error tone, the Ready tone
and the Keypad tone. Each tone may also be individually turned On or Off.
Advanced Options
to scroll to the desired tone for adjustment.
to scroll to the desired adjustment. to select.
Speaker Setup.
1. Switch the pack On. The unit will show one red display. If - - is shown, press the
socket A1 On/Off button to turn the socket on.
to select.
2. The pack will now charge to a level proportional to the setting shown on the left most
red numeric display.
The > will change to a * character to show that the value may be modified using the
3. Use the Channel A adjustment buttons to vary the power level from socket A1. Adjust
the unit to show 10 on the display. Use the open flash button to discharge the 3000
There are 10 available tones. The duration is measured in steps of 0.1s in the range 1 to
4. Switch the pack off. Plug the head into socket B2. This time the rightmost numeric
display will illuminate. Adjust the channel power up to it’s maximum, noting that it will
stop at 8.4. This is because the pack becomes asymmetric with any head switched on
in channel B.
HINT : Holding down the
will auto increment the values.
to go back and accept the changes.
Once the value has been modified, press
NOTE : Turning the speaker On or Off from the main selection menu will override the
speaker On/Off settings if the speaker is switched from Off to On.
You are now ready to begin using the pack.
NOTE: If the unit has been left unused for 6 months or predominantly used with low
power settings, it is recommended that the power be increased to maximum and the
unit left switched on occasionally for at least 30 minutes to help preserve the life of the
Advanced Options
Alternate Units
This option allows the unit to display energy in terms of Joules or as a percentage of total
pack power
Advanced Options
Alternate Units. Use
to toggle between Joules/percentage
The Main Selection Menu
Menu System Overview
The unit is considered to be in bracketing mode when the display indicates Bracketing
Options or Bracketing Mode. Under these conditions the unit will automatically check and
warn if the selection is not possible within the existing setting constraints. A warning occurs
if the bracket step will take the unit outside of it’s normal operating range.
The QuadX has a 3 tier menu which is simple to use and operate. The menus are
selected using the four navigation keys at the bottom of the sloping panel.
At switch on, the unit displays the DEFAULT MENU. This shows the following information :-
Bracketing Mode Example
As an example, assume a single head in socket A1 set for 7.0. First select a 0.3 stop
A1 only
Mod 100%
Socket Status
Energy per socket
bracket step. Now select Low to High by scrolling and pressing
Expected Flash duration per head
Modelling = 100% and mode = Normal
Start -0.3F Next
Centre 0.0F Pending
Finish +0.3F Pending
The screen indicates the first flash will occur 0.3 stop below the present power setting. The
second flash will be at the present power setting and the final flash will be 0.3 stop above
The menu structure is arranged as shown below :-
the present power setting. At any time, pressing
bracketing mode.
will take the user back and out of
Information Menu List
Main Selection Menu
Advanced Options
Speaker On/Off
The Speaker is ON
This menu allows the speaker to be switched On or
Default Menu
Bracketing Mode
Modelling Mode
Speaker On/Off
Set IR Channel
Advanced Options
Modelling Status
Flash Count/Temp
Supplier Information
Use the
to toggle the speaker On or Off.
Set IR Channel
This menu allows the Infra Red Channel to be
Use Up/Dwn to modify
Speaker Setup
Alternate Units
Use the
to adjust the IR Channel
Setting ALL allows the unit to respond to any IR
Current Channel= 1
to scroll to the desired function.
to select an option
to go back.
Time Out Setting
Save/Recall Setting
Charge Control
Setup Flash Mode
Reset Job Counter
Advanced Options
Items in the information menu can not be modified
and are there to quickly view the main settings.
Set IR Channel
> Advanced Options
Bracketing Modes
From the information menu, modelling is always
selected as the first item in the main selection
at each selection, allows values to be
to modify values, when set.
To select Advanced Options, press
at the menu above. See section Advanced Options.
HINT : The easiest way to learn the menu, is to have a play to see what’s there.
You can’t damage anything.
The Information Menus
The Main Selection Menu
The Default menu is shown below and shows the following information :-
The Main Selection Menu offers the ability to control and adjust
the following common functions.
Bracketing Mode
> Modelling Mode
Speaker On/Off
A1 only
Mod 100%
1. Modelling
Line 1 shows the socket status Active/Off.
Line 2 shows the energy level per socket
2. Bracketing
3. Speaker On/Off
4. IR Channel
Line 3 shows the expected flash duration into a QuadX 3000 flash head.
Line 4 shows the Modelling setup i.e 100%, Auto or Proportional. In addition on the right
hand side, the display shows the mode of operation. This is always set to NORMAL at
switch on and only changes when using the advanced programmed trigger sequences.
It also provides the entry point into the Advanced Menu. Menu choice is denoted by the ‘>’
character which always defaults to Modelling when coming from an Information Menu.
To select an item, use the
to scroll the screen until the > character is aligned with the
item required. Press
mode of operation.
to select the item. The * character will move to indicate the new
Pressing leads to the modelling status screen.
Line 2 indicates the individual lamp operating methods i.e.
continuous, Intermitent or Off.
Automatic 100% and Full (100%) have the further option to apply a dimming bias. Upon
selection of these modes, press
to adjust the value.
again to enter the bias control menu. Here, use the
Line 3 indicates the Lamp mode : 100%, Auto 100%, Prop
Line 4 indicates whether any bias has been applied to the lamp settings. Ordinarily this is
set at 100%, but in Auto 100% mode and 100% mode, the lamps may all be dimmed in ratio
by applying a bias.
In all cases, use
to go back.
Modelling Option Summary :
Auto Charge in Use
Caps 25’C Chrg 23’C
Modelling Mode
Modelling Mode
Modelling Mode
Modelling Mode
Lamp Proportional
Flash Count: 000001
Pressing leads to the unit status screen. This indicates the
charge mode, the internal temperature of the capacitors, the
total flash count for the pack, Infra Red Channel and software
Automatic 100%
Full (100%)
Lamp Dimming Mode (Bias)
Lamp Dimming Mode (Bias)
Cont/Int/Off Modes
Selection of A1,A2,B1,B2,All.
If Cont/Int.Off is selected, a new menu will be revealed to allow mode adjustment of each
socket i.e. Continuous, Intermittent or Off. This is also reflected by the red display.
Clacton on Sea,
Pressing leads to the unit status screen. This simply shows the
supplier details.
Adjustment is made by pressing the
at each line of selection. The ALL value represents a
quick way to adjust all the lamps together. This will change to USER SET if any of the
lamps is set differently to any other.
HINT : At all times, pressing
will take you to the Main Selection Menu.
Bracketing allows 3 consecutive shots to be taken at power levels above, at and below the
current setting level. The bracketing sequence may be arranged to start at a low power
working upwards or alternatively may begin at a high power and work downwards. The first
thing to do when using bracketing is to ensure you have set the bracket step. Scroll as
follows :-
Set Bracket Step. Now use
to adjust the number from 0.1stop to 0.9 stop.
Press when set.
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